by Daphne Lambert
Patina is a voluntary association of parents, teachers, local businesses and artists, in the Lewes district who came together as they were worried that the arts were being reduced in the national curriculum due to schoolwork load & money pressures.
Patina's main event is the “Moving On” parade which celebrates the transition or “moving on” of local children from primary to secondary school and into adolescence with a parade through the streets of Lewes. It is a very important rite of passage for children in the Lewes area and since it started in 2002 over 9,000 children have taken part.
Each year a new theme is chosen for Moving On parade I was invited to introduce and talk about this year’s theme 'Welcome to our table' and focused on local food, nutrition and the joy of good food.
Each of the 16 schools participating were given a fruit or vegetable to interpret with the help of amazing artists as a costume in the parade. The Patina parade through Lewes took place last Friday and the streets were full of strawberry, pea, mushroom, blueberry, apple, carrot & tomato costumes.